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Murkowski's jet
By Victoria Canul Dunne


July 28, 2006

Murkowski's jet use raises questions. My initial reaction was outrage but soon my thoughts turned to how this may be affecting the thousands of dedicated state employees. Morale may be at its lowest point since the oil bust of the mid 1980 s and the thousands of lay-offs that occurred then.

I left state employment eight years ago however, during my eleven years as a State employee the tone was simply this; public employees must hold themselves in check. Do the right thing, not only when someone was watching but, more importantly, especially when no one is watching. We were told, our leader - the Governor, his staff, and department commissioners have the highest expectations of their employees. This is a much higher standard than is expected of the average citizen. Nevertheless, state employees agree to it because of the higher calling of public service. Morals, ethics and taking responsibility for his or her own actions are the norm, not the exception.

Murkowski's faux pas taints the reputation of the many fine employees whom devote many hours of hard work for the State of Alaska, who carry themselves as an example to uphold, not scorn. Great leaders do not expect any more of their subordinates than they expect of themselves and will not think twice of leading the charge and getting down in the trenches with them. Murkowski has not represented himself as an example to follow. Moreover, management sets the tone and Murkowski's tone of contempt and sense of entitlement seem to say "Do as I say and not as I do".

It is also my belief that one person, whether the Governor or not, can not and will not change the principles set in place long before Murkowski became governor and no doubt will be there long after he is voted out of office this November.

Victoria Canul Dunne
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: "Victoria's Tlingit name is Tsias Taan (Raven who talks too much) she is L`eeneidi (Dog Salmon), from the Aak`w Kwaan (Small Lake Tribe), Yaxte Hit (Big Dipper House) one of the original clans from Juneau, Alaska.

Victoria is a past President of Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp #70 and the Auk Kwan Traditional Council. Her background includes twenty years experience in accounting, twelve with state government.. Victoria's spent much of her time volunteering to many other non-profit organizations such as; the Girl Scouts and Beta Sigma Phi. "



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Ketchikan, Alaska