SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


18th Annual Rubber Duck Race:
And the Grand Prize winner is...


July 05, 2006

Ketchikan, Alaska - The fastest little rubber duck in the First City Rotary's 18th Annual Rubber Duck Race claimed the Grand Prize of $2,500 for its owner Charla Keene. Jeff Orr's little rubber duck was close behind claiming the First Prize for Orr of $1,500. And netting another big purse was Wally Kubley's little rubber duck winning $1,000 for Kubley.

jpg Judge Henry Keene

Judge Henry Keene prepares to net the winning rubber duck during the annual Rubber Duck Race held on the 4th of July. Assisting Judge Keene is Tom Thompson
Front Page Photo by Carl Thompson

Proceeds from the Rubber Duck Race will benefit the Fawn Mountain Field Shelter, the donated blood & bone marrow drive campaign and other First City Rotary Club projects.

The winners of the 18th Annual First City Rotary Rubber Duck Race:


Grand Prize    $2,500

Charla Keene

1st Prize    $1,500

Jeff Orr

2nd Prize    $1,000

Wally Kubley

3rd - 13th    $ 100 winners:

Mark Smith
Paul Jarvi
Brian Elliot
Mindy Lloyd
Henry Keene
Lisa LeMay
Mark Peckham
Amy Rockwood
Harley Lewis
Dan Kelly
Eleanor McCullough

14th - 22nd    $ 50 winners:

Elinor Jacobson
Judy Jenkinson
Steve Dempsey
Carol McCormick
Jeanne Mc____
J. Sebrell
Bill Allen
Theresa Hamilton

Prize winners please call Bob St. Clair at 228-4223



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Ketchikan, Alaska