SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Smoking Ban
By Wendy Romano


July 10, 2007

I live in the state of Delaware where we probably have the most comprehensive smoking ban in the country. In late 2002 the State passed a Clean Indoor Air Act that prohibits smoking in all indoor public places including restaurants, bars, and casinos.

As you can imagine there was quite a battle with the bar and casino industries. They argued that this would hurt their businesses, when in fact, gaming revenues went up 3% in the first year after the bill was passed. In addition, employment increased in the hospitality industry, and applications for bars and taverns went up as well.

As a mother of three small children, it is such a relief to be able to take our kids bowling or to restaurants and not have to sit in a "non-smoking" section, which really just means the "less smokey" section. More importantly, the attitude toward smoking has changed dramatically since the ban. There is a stigma now. Smoking has become less acceptable.

I grew up in Ketchikan and I realize that the attitude towards smoking there is quite different than most places. I would encourage the non-smoking community (which in Delaware is 85% of the population) to have the courage to protect your rights, and those of your children. You have the right to breathe clean, smoke-free air. You should be able to enjoy the wonderfully pure, crisp air of Alaska!

Wendy Romano
Newark< DE

Received July 06, 2007 - Published July 10, 2007

About: "Grew up in Ketchikan, now live in Delaware."


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska