SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Kirk needs to concentrate on his own home state
By Cliff Brulotte


July 13, 2007
Friday PM

Rep. Mark Kirk needs to concentrate on his own home state of Ill. Obviously they have no problems as he spends all his time with his nose in Alaska's business. We need these bridges as we have very little infrastructure, few roads and are growing past Anchorage. Mark is trying to make decisions for Alaska. He needs to help his own state. I won't even go into the problems that need to be addressed there. Perhaps he's trying to keep the focus away from his problems there by going north. We don't want him.

I'm a lifelong Republican, but am now considering becoming a Democrat along with a lot of Alaskans because of Mark Kirk.

Cliff Brulotte

Received July 12, 2007 - Published July 13, 2007


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Wednesday - July 11, 2007

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Ketchikan, Alaska