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Worthless Rhetorical Phrases
By David Yates


July 16, 2007
Monday PM

"Staying the Course" requires a course. The first thing I learned about navigation is that a course requires both a point of departure and a destination. An expression we used to use that describes the administration's way of thinking is "steering on the jackstaff". Another way to put it would be to "follow the pointy end of the boat" until either you run out of fuel (ie,, Congress cuts off funding) or you run aground, which is pretty much what we have done.

"Patience" is another ill used term meaning, apparently, to wait until the dead horse we have been beating gets up and wins the race. To date, 3611 US soldiers have run out of the capacity for patience while George W. Bush is staying the course from behind his well armored desk.

I am, however, proud of the Congress who have decided to actually work after hours and who may even feel compelled to show up at their dusty desks in the Capitol to show their "support for our troops"--that is the ones that are left after the Congress thinks, debates and grows slowly, increasingly concerned over their poll numbers back home.

Finally, there is, "cut and run" implying cowardice, but in fact meaning to do the right thing in the face of a shameful reality. The administration "cut and ran" the first time they lied to the world to justify their actions in Iraq. If they couldn't tell the truth, then they were WRONG. If this war in Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 it could and should have been proven.

David Yates
Long Beach, CA

Received July 16, 2007 - Published July 16, 2007

About: "I am 62 years old, that is, old enough to remember America as it was. I served 8 years in the military (having enlisted before the Vietnam War in the Coast Guard) a great deal of which time was served in various parts of Alaska. I helped put out the Sitka fire in 1966-- not alone, of course. I retired from civilian federal service with various branches of the Defense Department in 1996. My expertise derives from being a citizen who knows the value of staying informed in order to fulfill my duties as a voter. I don't know everything, but I do my best."


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska