SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Mary Henrikson


July 02, 2008

This is a response to Marlowe Thompson and her frustrations over ANWR. I am confused by the standard statement that oil from ANWR won't get to market for 10 years. I worked on the The Trans Alaska Pipeline and it took a fraction of that time to build a pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez. I can't help but feel technology has improved. I know oil companies must find and drill, but it sounds like they've a good idea where the oil is located and the Governor states the foot print will be the size of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). So the industrial layout will be smaller than Prudhoe, and if they tap into the trans-Alaska pipeline then it sounds like a 3-5 year project on the outside to the outside, and not nearly as intrusive.

A natural gas pipeline through Canada will benefit all of the United States and especially Alaska. I understand the rail belt wanting to go back to cheap natural gas, but Alaska will make more money selling it to millions in the lower 48 and then put a line to the South. As I understand it there is no facility on the West Coast can refine liquefied natural gas, so the gas that goes through Valdez will go to Japan, China and other Far East Countries. I'm also struck with the thought that the reason we won World War II was because we had Texas oil fields, and the fascists didn't, so there is a National Security issue involved in getting oil and gas to the States, and an export to help settle the national debt, which has everything to your children's future.

I am not saying we should open ANWR, I'm not saying Fairbanks and South Central should not have cheap heat. I'm just saying if we exploit this natural resource, Alaska and Alaskans could be wealthy with jobs and education and prospects for the next generation. Imagine a life without potholes. Imagine a bunch of really creative young people who want to stay in Alaska and develop the perfect battery for an electric car, or write the perfect novel, or cure the worst disease. Young Alaskans can be what ever they want to be with a great education. Imagine a new way to power the world and fuel airplanes. Imagine wind farms in Bethel, Dillingham and other energy starved Alaska places, and imagine our state government being able to sign the check that allows villagers to have an easier life, better education and health services. Imagine a top rate fishing fleet able with first class shore services. All of that can be done with this new ethical Renaissance that seems to be taking place in Juneau. Imagine a State where all of its citizens profit from its resources. Imagine.

What I'm taking too long to say is it will not take 10 years, and if you believe it will please tell me why.

Mary Henrikson
Ketchikan, AK

Received July 02, 2008 - Published July 02, 2008, 2008


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letter Oil from ANWR/ gas price reduction By Marlowe Thompson

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska