SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Ketchikan's new fire station
By David Hull


July 20, 2008

I would like to echo Anna Marie Mestas as she lauds the work done by our elected regional legislators this year. They worked very hard for all the island fire departments this past session. The whole community should thank Senator Bert Stedman, Legislative Aide Miles Baker, Representative Kyle Johansen and the Ketchikan Legislative Liaison for their efforts to secure State funding for the three fire station projects. It is unfortunate that all three were not funded.

I believe that Chief Davis and the entire membership of the South Tongass Volunteer Fire Department should be commended for their efforts in securing funding for their new station. Fire Station 4 when built over 25 years ago sufficed for the emerging South Tongass Volunteer Fire Department but the department quickly out grew the structure. The new station will be a great addition to the south end and the Borough as a whole.

My congratulations go out to the entire STVFD membership and our sincere thanks extended to both Senator Stedman and Representative Johansen and their staff for their strong efforts on our behalf. We haven t given up and look forward to their continuing support this next session.

David Hull
Ketchikan, AK

About: " Fire Chief, North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department"

Received July 17, 2008 - Published July 20, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska