SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Doing Business without insurance
By Terry Miles


July 26, 2010

Recently, I took my motorcycle, that happens to be a custom chopper into a local "Detail" shop here in the Ketchikan area, to have it cleaned and detailed. The bike is worth about $75k... it's a custom.

I'd done business with the young man that owns the shop, and he's for the most part, always done good work. He had recently hired another young guy to work in his place of business, and to make a long story short, his new employee took it upon himself to give my bike the "once-over" on his own and did $15k worth of damage. The owner tried to take care of the damage himself to no avail, and I told him I thought the best course of action was to let the insurance company handle it. It took a week to get any information out of him as far as his insurance company, policy number, etc, then, come to find out, his insurance doesn't cover damage he does to vehicles. Are you kidding me? Needless to say, my insurance is ending up covering the damage, and will be going after him for the costs.

I just wanted the rest of the community to be aware that if our local "Detail" shop damages your paint job, or anything else on your car, you pay, not him.

Terry Miles
Ketchikan, AK

About: 48 Year Ketchikan Resident
Owner/Operator Miles and Son Construction Company

Received July 19, 2010 - Published July 26, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska