By Charles Edwardson
July 19, 2011
Ketchikan's first annual Ultra Run was thought up by a man who wanted to honor a friend who had died of cancer, many runs are dedicated to honor or support various causes. I read in the Ketchikan Daily News' sports section about such a run and I am proud to say it was my son-in-law who was the sole runner. He was in first and last place. After the run he was interviewed by Ketchikan Daily News (good job by the way KDN) and I was encouraged to hear he wanted to try it again next year. The Ward Lake fun run was on the same day so scheduling was an issue and was probably the biggest factor in only one person showing up. What struck me in the article is that Clint still ran and after the run he felt that what he set out to do was accomplished. This inspired me and is a positive message, set out to do something and carry through with it. Good luck next year with the Ultra Run. For more info there's a blog Clint and Tory Shultz (Life as we know it) for any one who would like to speak a word of encouragement for next year's run -- and congratulate Clint for getting first place. This is a little different type letter than most of you are used to from me, but I just wanted to share something positive and wanted to acknowledge a kind gesture, like the Ultra Run of one in Ketchikan, Alaska. Charles Edwardson
Received July 15, 2011 - Published July 19, 2011
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