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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Thank You & Before the fireworks start
By Ken Parks


July 09, 2012

I was at the fireworks display this fourth and was suitably impressed by the display, not so much from the locals shooting off roman candles as it was over my kids and almost at them a couple of times. This ironically enthused my kids and they still had a great time... I wanted to thank the City of Ketchikan and their workers for a great display, making it a fun and enjoyable as well as memorable event for my family.

As another year rolls by the only thing it reminds me of is why America is so great.... freedom. Are we truly free now? I worry that our government has lost sight of freedom and what makes us great. Someone needs to tell the GOP that fireworks are reminders of the great day in 1775 when america was ratified, and the battles that we fought to stay free, like the one that is coming to take back our country from an apparent takover of our rights. How do any politicians have a concience as they vote our rights out of existence, taking our freedom for granted is not so easy anymore.

I hope that with enough support we can make a difference, convince the powers that be that they are too greedy and self serving and force them to come to a head, repeal the patriot act as the freedom crushing document that it really is, and make us a free country once more.

If we don't, the terrorists have won, after all Obama and Osama are not seeming so different as they both seemed to want to limit American's freedom, make us slaves to the state and big business - supposedly to pay for our actions over seas. Unbelievable as it seems, they are winning and we are all losing. Soon you will be in a work gang, without your permission, cleaning up the mess the government has made for us. No you won't have a choice, read up on Obama's executive orders, and weep.

I support freedom, the right to bear arms, and to voice my opinions without worry of retribution, and it's obvious we have almost lost that at this point.

The latest worry is Obamacare... um, it seems if you force everyone to get your version of medical, and they have to pay.... it's slavery. Call it a tax if you wish, but it's financial slavery, and if anyone goes to jail for not having health care.... that's wrong on so many levels you deserve what you get if you don't react now, before the fireworks start..... God bless you all, pray for deliverence from this evil.

Ken Parks
Ketchikan, AK

About: "just a registered voter and university employee"

Received July 05, 2012 - Published July 09, 2012



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska