Facts Regarding STVFD Grant By Steve Rydeen July 10, 2013
FACT: South Tongass Vol. Fire Dept. and the Ketchikan Gateway Borough were awarded a grant from the State of Alaska for $234,000.00 to install a new backup generator and alarm system for the new station. This project was placed on the Borough’s capital priority list for FY 2012 at the sum of $225,000.00. The Borough was not successful with the request. The project was again placed on the capital priority list and awarded for FY 2013, the Borough and STVFD were successful in this grant request for $234,000.00. STVFD has not received multiple grants for the same project (totaling $459,000.00) as stated by Mr. Plute. The STVFD has not and cannot receive grant funds for the same project year after year. FACT: STVFD currently uses a 20 KW generator surplused by the City of Ketchikan in January 2012, the City valued the generator at $10,000 and donated it to the STVFD at no charge. The installation costs were $9,500. The generator is not adequately sized to operate the station at its full capacity in an outage. As an emergency facility, STVFD needs to be able to respond to the needs of the community it serves. Whether it is responding to emergency responses or providing shelter for the elderly or our youth it has to be a safe place to go. Fact: In March, 2013, the Borough issued an Invitation for Bids and initiated a public procurement process for a Stand-By Generator and Fire Alarm System at Station 4. The contract was awarded to a local company (Channel Electric) to install a larger generator that meets the needs of the department and to install a fire alarm system for the station. The total bid accepted was approximately $182,000 for the whole project. STVFD hired an electrical engineer to determine the necessary size of generator to operate the station. Fact: At the completion of the project, the existing generator will be moved to a trailer to be used in case of disasters in the Greater Ketchikan area. Fact: Installing generators, alarm systems and other equipment takes planning, running electrical circuits, installing cut out switches and automatic switches, site preparation and time. Fact: The whole process has been open for comment at Assembly meetings where the topic has been part of action items 11 times since December of 2010. It has also been on the Borough’s Capital Project list to the legislature since December 2010. The Capital Project process is open for public comment. Furthermore, the topic can always be discussed during the public comment section of any South Tongass Service Area Board meeting. All of the meetings referenced are advertised and the public is always invited and encouraged to attend. I am not sure what company distributor Mr. Plute spoke with, but for the work being completed on this project, the size of generator needed for this facility and the alarm system installation it far exceeds $10,000. It is virtually impossible to accept grants and not follow the requirements the State and Federal Governments put upon boroughs. Auditing of the grants occurs, accountability of funds distributed and reports on the status of projects and certification of the final project. The checks and balances required from all parties involved in grants is substantial and time consuming. It bothers me that someone would publicize something without accurate facts, and without knowing the entire scope of work to be completed and more importantly without proper investigation into the project being done. I, as Chief of this Department, would not allow misuse of funds for any project Borough wide. I stand by my integrity and honesty and have an open door policy for any and all citizens to ask questions to have a better understanding of emergency services. If we are going to report misuse of funds, accuracy is important for validity. Mr. Plute’s letter lacked in accuracy and I encourage him or anyone to meet with me. Sincerely Steve Rydeen, Fire Chief Received July 10, 2013 - Published July 10, 2013 Related Viewpoint:
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