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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

End the IRS

By Beverly Martin


July 20, 2013
Saturday PM

Lighting fireworks on the 4th didn't restore freedom taken by the tyranny of the IRS. Reading the Declaration of Independence underscored this nation's return to conditions founding fathers found intolerable: government use of fear to take property and control citizens.

The tax code threatens liberty. It cannot be understood by those who must comply with that code or live in fear of penalties imposed by the IRS. A law that cannot be understood is not a law derived from the consent of the governed. If audited, the basic principle of trial-by-jury is replaced by presumed guilt. The accused must prove his innocence. The 16th Amendment must be repealed. End the IRS.

Missouri's Lt. Governor Kinder recently said, "No law abiding American should ever have to fear a call from a government official." The IRS, a tool of fear used by politicians to control citizens, businesses, reward friends and punish enemies, has no place in a free society.

Only the FairTax HR25/S122 ends the IRS and supports the repeal of the 16th Amendment.End direct taxation on jobs and income. Call Representative Camp, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (202-225-3561). Demand FairTaxHR25 be brought out of committee. End the IRS.

Beverly Martin
Fulton, MO 65251


Received July 11, 2013 - Published July 20, 2013




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Ketchikan, Alaska