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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

The Abominable Snowden

By Donald A. Moskowitz


July 20, 2013
Saturday PM

Edward Snowden is not a human rights activist, he is a loathsome (abominable) traitor and spy.

He stated his aim was to inform the world about the surveillance programs operated by the NSA.  He expressed concern the U.S. government could monitor the communications of the U.S. public, but he did not say it occurred.

If Snowden is the activist who just wanted to expose the possible monitoring of the U.S. public, why did he go to Hong Kong (China), a totalitarian country opposed to democratic values and freedoms?  Why did he go to China with his four laptops filled with NSA information, and probably allow the Chinese to copy the NSA material?

If Snowden was concerned with the U.S. government infringing on our freedoms, why did he go to Russia, another totalitarian country opposed to our democratic values, a country who most likely copied the NSA information on his laptops?

Snowden could be a disgruntled individual who decided to get even with the U.S. over personal problems, possibly work related.  His aim is to harm our national security.  He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for breaking the trust we placed in him.

Donald A. Moskowitz
Londonderry, NH

Received July 18, 2013 - Published July 20, 2013


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