SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

K-Town shines

By A.M. Johnson


July 30, 2013
Tuesday PM


Great story regarding the emergency housing for the Alaska Little League’s Major League champions when a change in travel plans brought the South Anchorage’s Abbott-O-Rabbit Little League Team to Ketchikan in today's Ketchikan Daily News (Sports) 7-30-13. I would like to add complementary comments regarding the Ketchikan team, coaches and parents who participated in the recent tournament in Wrangell.

I was present in Wrangell playing golf in the First Bank Tournament (Thank you first Bank!) and attended moments of the games in Wrangell during the Little League tournament.  During those short times the care and coaching of the team was evident. I witnessed a group of young folks that set the tone for traveling teams both on the field and later during the team gathering at the local Wrangell Elks club where a celebrating of sorts was held.

What was apparent is the loyalty of the boys to the  parents and coaching staff who accompanied these kids, Dinner was late, very late due to the press of a larger crowd than normal for dinner due to both tournaments attendees, along with enjoyable weather that drew locals out for an evening.

One had to be impressed with the temperament, patients and crowd noise level as the kids and crew awaited their meals.

I am not acquainted with the all the adults involved, but do recognize the names of Olsen,Kemble,Salazar,and Effenberger, Mr. and Mrs. where applicable, known to me, who gave a glowing picture of a well behaved represented  group of youngsters and adults who respected each other and for sure made an impression on Wrangell with their team persona.

Thank you all Team Ketchikan, for representing Ketchikan in a great light.


Ketchikan, Alaska

Received July 30, 2013 - Published July 30, 2013


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska