RE: Un-necessary consequences for Marijuana By Casey O'Brien July 09, 2014 I'm writing this letter in response to Marvin Seibert's letter regarding marijuana legalization. In your letter you hint to the possible corruption of laws in the White House specifically. To quote your own words. "We are a nation of laws ( except in the Whitehouse unfortunately ) not mob rule.". Then you go on to say that the government has documentation stating that marijuana is a dangerous drug. So which is it really? I guess you can pick and choose whatever information you want in order to make your argument seem more valid to those who don't wish to do any research. Although, I would ask you to cite your sources the next time you entertain the notion of submitting your strong opinions about such an issue on a public forum. I can only imagine that someone who wishes their argument to be taken seriously, would actually cite some published scientific studies to solidify their argument. Perhaps that's too much to ask, but I guess I'm a traditionalist. Anyway, better luck next time trying to sway my opinion. Casey O'Brien About: "20 year Ketchikan resident who is tired of arguments with no verifiable facts or citation of sources." Received July 06, 2014 - Published July 09, 2014 Related Viewpoint:
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