RE: Marijuana law By Alan R. McGillvray July 24, 2014
But to reiterate, if young person is caught with even a small amount of cannabis, and, convicted of said offense, he can (&) will be denied any benefits accrued by him/her during a work life. E.g. Unemployment, insurance benefits, Food Stamps, Section 8 housing etc. ad nauseum. I don't understand why our citizenry has not rien up and voted an end to cannabis prohibition and a withdrawal from the Treaty on Dagerous Drugs. Why, you may ask, because as I stated earlier, the laws extant, against cannabis and the enjoyment of said substance. And it is a substance that it's use is pleasant to use, the thing and reasons against cannabis is that it will allow a person to change their mind and attitude toward our society and the wrongs in it. The largest wrong is the amount of propaganda that was promulgated be the media at the time against its consumption. In fact as I ha v e dis covered in my study of the laws against the consumption of cannabis, led me to Utah, it seems a group of local residents took a trip down to Mexico where they happened to discover the joys of cannabis consumption. When they returned to their homes their attitudes were "changed." As such lawmkers, at the legislature of Utah, made cannabis an"outlaw" substance. Now I can understand why they did so, (at the risk of sounding anti-Mormon) the Mormon religion seems to me, full of bull---- anyway, I do not find any surprise that those vacationers came home "changed." Esp. after consuming cannabis. And several Southwestern states followed suit. Because of their large populations of Mexicans. And now we come to the forefront of the propaganda machine present in the hands of William Randolf Hearst and a U.S. Govt employee looking to make a name for himself, one Harry Anslinger. Together and in concert they managed to convince a Congress (at the time, full of Dem/libs) to OUTLAW cannabis and also hemp. And subsequently other American countries to the South (who also were under the control of strong military types eager to exercise a stronger degree of control of their populations.) I will have more to say on this subject, later on. But the primary purpose of these letters to Sitnews is to educate people to the uses of propaganda & to wake up the uneducated masses to the realities of the uses and misuses of laws against Cannabis and Hemp. Alan R. McGillvray About: "Long-time resident of Ketchikan and Alaska" Received July 17, 2014 - Published July 24, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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