43 Senators Block the Protect Women's By Barbara McDaniel July 24, 2014
S. 2578 would have prohibited for-profit employers from refusing to cover any health care, including birth control, guaranteed to their employees and dependents under federal law. The bill was brought forward in rapid response to the U.S. Supreme Court majority’s abhorrent, June 30th, Hobby Lobby decision that allows employers to refuse health insurance coverage for all forms of contraceptives for their female employees because of the employers’ so-called religious beliefs about women’s sexual and reproductive limits and duties. The Guttmacher Institute reports “99% of US women have used contraceptives,” and also reports “the typical U.S. woman wants only two children” and to do that “she must use contraceptives for roughly three decades.” This means that many millions of U.S. women need to use contraceptives and need their health insurance to cover that substantial, thirty-year, reproductive health care cost to help prevent unintended pregnancies and protect their health. Yet today, 43 senators opposed and obstructed reversing the Supreme Court majority’s miserable Hobby Lobby decision. S. 2578 was a common sense bill, urgently needed, to right the five Supreme Court justices’ wrong decision. Alaska NOW is intensely grateful to our two Senators for standing up for civil rights and fighting for this bill’s passage. Barbara McDaniel,
Received July 16, 2014 - Published July 24, 2014
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