Independence DayBy Paul Livingston July 05, 2015
Independence Day, July 4th , the day we celebrate the Declaration of Independence, freedom from taxation without representation and the Constitution, the document that protects We the People from our government. Then in 1913, the 16th Amendment was passed to enable direct taxation, first on only the richest of citizens, but has grown to include all and without limits. The federal government gained huge taxing power and We the People lost Freedom, Liberty, Civil Rights and our right to production (income, savings and investment). The tax tyranny we escaped returned with the income tax, IRS, payroll taxes and tax withholding. The 16th Amendment enables the 2nd requirement for a communist state per the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. The 16th Amendment needs to be repealed. There is a better way called the FAIRtax® to replace the present tax system with a progressive sales/consumption tax system that is fair, easy to understand, you control and know when you pay the tax, encourages jobs and economic growth and collects the same tax total as the old system. Social Security and Medicare are not changed and funded by a larger and more stable tax base. The 16th Amendment is repealed with companion legislation. Learn more at fairtax.org.
Paul Livingston
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: Received July --, 2015 - Published July 05, 2015 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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