SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Hydaburg City School District Opens Statewide Correspondence High School


July 21, 2016
Thursday PM

(SitNews) Hydaburg, Alaska - The Hydaburg City School District has opened their own statewide correspondence high school named TOTEM Correspondence enrolling high school students in grades 9 and up living anywhere in Alaska. Students must be 19 years or younger on October 1st each year to enroll.

TOTEM Correspondence School is a personalized education model where students can work at their own pace with project based thematic curriculum, receive individualized instruction, participate in college classes, and have the opportunity to graduate successfully with a high school diploma.

As a statewide correspondence school, continued communication between students and teachers is essential which is why the school plans to provide each student with their own laptop computer, in addition to a $2500 allocation for curriculum and services, along with a Personalized Learning Plan.

In addition to project based thematic courses that will meet standards in multiple subject areas, students may also participate in college courses receiving dual college and high school credit, choose single courses for individual subject areas as well as choose credit recovery options for incomplete and failed courses.

Students will have a Teacher/Advisor that will work with them to develop and implement their Personalized Learning Plan. In addition, other tutors and instructors will be available to work one-on-one with students as needed.

Students & parents may obtain more information about the new TOTEM Correspondence School on the school/s website or email If you would prefer to speak with a school representative, please call Bart Mwarey in Hydaburg at 907-401-3359. An application for enrollment is also available on their website. If the student is under the age of 18, the registration forms will require a parent's or guardian's signature.

Fall Semester begins September 6, 2016.


On the Web:

TOTEM Correspondence School Application 2016-2017!application/pd3nx


Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews


Source of News:

TOTEM Correspondence School



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