Giving Alaska's oil awayBy Ray Metcalfe July 11, 2017
BP and Exxon have agreements, with less friendly governments, to produce their oil for cost of production and delivery, plus $1 per barrel. $3.76 per barrel would exceed their international average net profits. If that was what the Legislature was to allow them, Alaska would receive an additional $2.5 billion this year. Ten years ago I helped the FBI bust six legislators for taking bribes to give Alaska's oil away. For six years the oil companies lost control and Alaska saved up $16 Billion; that's the savings this Legislature is once again reaching into to cover the deficit; savings now depleted because Alaska's legislators are once again giving our oil away. Why would Alaska's legislators agree to pay four and one half times more than a fair market payment for production services? There is only one logical answer and its bribery. Ray Metcalfe
About: Ray Metcalfe was twice elected and served in the Alaska House of Representatives as a Republican. In 2008, he switched to the Democratic party. In the August 16, 2016 primary, Metcalfe won the Democratic nomination and ran unsuccessfully for the United States Senate as a Democrat opposing Republican U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski.
Received July 09, 2017 - Published July 11, 2017
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