SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Help spread the word

By Hallie Engel


July 06, 2018
Friday PM

Dear Editor,

Ketchikan is a community of people who care for each other and I would like to ask the citizens of our town to help someone in need.

If you lived in Ketchikan during the 1990s, you might remember David Weburg, or maybe you knew members of his family. David was always an active member of the local arts scene, and appeared in productions at Ketchikan High School and First City Players. Friendly, funny and talented, he was known for his warm smile and big heart.

Nowadays, David lives in Nevada and has two kids. Earlier this year, he was diagnosed with thymic cancer, which caused severe aplastic anemia, leaving him with just 5% of his bone marrow. He is now in Los Angeles with his family, undergoing a bone marrow transplant, which is a grueling, time-consuming procedure, and he can't work during treatment.

I would like to ask the people of Ketchikan to help Dave by donating to his GoFundMe account. This money will help him make it through a trying time without losing his home.

Even if you can only donate a couple of dollars, I encourage you to please do so. Small donations add up quickly after all! Feel free to spread the word as well, people of Ketchikan. A friend needs us - let's be there for him.


Hallie Engel


Ketchikan, Alaska

About:"Hallie Engel attended school in Ketchikan, but now lives in Oregon. She dislikes Donald Trump, but does like puppies. "


Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.


Received June 30, 2018 - Published July 06, 2018

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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