Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
New Political Sin
By Rob Holston, Jr
July 06, 2018
Friday PM
I just saw a liberal law maker being interviewed on a liberal TV network. She said “We need a Supreme Court Justice who will fairly interpret and uphold the law of the land.” I can only take that to mean…..”Abide by the law of the land.” “Don’t dilute the law of the land.” It sounds a bit like “zero tolerance policy" to me.
Trump is a scoundrel when he upholds the “law of the land” regarding illegal immigration. "Zero Tolerance” seems to be the new Political Sin now days. If I were a bank robber I would certainly like to know what banks don’t have a Zero Tolerance policy for getting robbed. Maybe I could hit a bank with a 40% Tolerance policy…… that would increase my chances.
Rob Holston
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: Supporter of laws being changed, not ignored.
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received July 01, 2018
- Published July 06, 2018
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