Simple AnswersBy Ghert Abbott July 25, 2018
There would consequently be no need for the state to confiscate money from your Permanent Fund Dividends, the most regressive and unfair system imaginable. There would be no need to for the state to draw money from the Permanent Fund’s Earnings Reserve, which is both freezing and endangering the long term value of the Fund. And there would be no need for the state to make further destructive cuts to essential public services and vital infrastructure: education, healthcare, policing, roads, and the marine highway system. Should the price of oil return to the point where the state government could be fully paid for with oil tax revenue, the income tax could be refunded. As most Alaskans would directly benefit from a full progressive income tax and a full Permanent Fund Dividend, the question naturally arises: why hasn’t the state government enacted such a program? Why does Alaska’s political class insist on inefficiently using the Permanent Fund and cutting vital services? Again, the answer is simple and straightforward: our state government is currently being run in the interests of a small group of rich rail-belters who would rather watch the state fall to ruin around them then pay a progressive tax. Alaska’s legislators like to present their decision to tax the PFD as a courageous one, when in reality it is anything but. Taxing the Permanent Fund is actually the easiest action from their perspective, as it is to the direct benefit of the political administration, the wealthy, and the oil companies. By using the Permanent Fund our politicians can avoid stepping on the toes of anyone who actually matters to the establishment. Ghert Abbott, About: Ghert Abbott was born in Ketchikan in 1986 and is a graduate of Ketchikan High School and the University of Alaska Southeast-Ketchikan. He is the Democratic candidate for House District 36’s legislative seat.
Editor's Note:
Received July 22, 2018 - Published July 25, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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