Measles & VaccinationsBy Amanda MitchellJuly 18, 2019
There was a single case of measles of an unvaccinated youth being reported in Alaska. It is being said that there have been no cases of measles in Alaska in the past couple of years. This is not entirely true. We have had cases of measles in Alaska in the past couple years, but which were caused by the vaccine. Shannon Ballard, on January 23, 2015, posted an article titled, ”The Disneyland measles outbreak may have reached Alaska.” In this article (which you can no longer find) they blamed the unvaccinated for 1 year old Rivki Webb testing positive for measles. Robert Herriman on January 24, 2015 published the follow-up stating after an investigation by DSHS, the child had symptoms and tested positive for measles, but it was from the child’s recent vaccine. The ‘measles case’ was then reclassified to a reaction to the vaccine. There are similar cases out there, however, because of the pervasive bias towards vaccine efficiency and safety these events get downplayed, blamed on the unvaccinated or not covered at all. There was a time where measles was not thought of the scary boogie man hiding in the closet. People didn’t run in fear because of the disease or exercise extreme hate towards those that didn’t have a manmade ‘immunity.’ Someone getting the measles didn’t even warrant mainstream news and many programs on tv used to illustrate measles as completely normal and nothing to be afraid of. It has been the progressive targeting by the vaccine industry over decades that has paved the way for extremism when it comes to vaccines. A vaccine longer provides ‘protection’ for you if you don’t coerce the next person to vaccinate. If it fails to protect, instead of questioning the vaccine, redirect the blame, shame, dehumanize and then subjugate the unvaccinated because of your fear. There are doctors, scientists, parents and many others that might see things a little differently and they deserve respect. Encourage equal reporting of stories such as the inefficiency and harm that are linked to vaccines as well. Let’s promote open communication and stop the bias and hate when it comes to vaccination. Amanda Mitchell
Editor's Note:
Received July 18, 2019 - Published July 18, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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