Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Rob Holston
July 18, 2019
Thursday PM
Trump wants to send congresswomen who were born in the U.S. back to…? Back to where? He believes they are foreign born? It’s a bit of a stretch for me to defend Trump on this particular verbiage. However I’m sure he was referring to these women’s not too distant removed homeland of lineage.
Think of some black NBA players who return to their ancestral homeland, finance and set up foundations for the betterment of youth, Trump sees the NBA guy as a hero who embraces the USA and it’s opportunities and wants to change the rest of the world for good…….. while these freshman congresswomen seem to detest the USA and want to make changes that Trump sees as leading our country backwards into 3rd world country status.
The SQUAD needs to be called out for their extreme views, defamatory, inflammatory and racist verbiage. Trump picks on them for these reasons NOT because they are women of color. Accusing Trump of racism is a rabbit trail. Defeating the agenda of the SQUAD is wise.
Rob Holston
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received July 17, 2019
- Published July 18, 2019
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