July 13, 2020
You might recall their first wave of BS back in February and March. There was the one about the $2.7 billion they had paid to the state in the past roughly ten years, pointing out what good guys they were for paying this; yet the reality is that is less than one-tenth what they should have been paying. Then there was the one about how the oil companies directly provided 25% of all the jobs in Alaska, and, in addition, for every oil company job 15 Alaska jobs were created as spin-off; which means the oil companies have provided about 500% of all the jobs in Alaska. That is a truly amazing feat. (It is also an indication of how stupid they think you all are.) Brought to you by Exxon-Mobil, Conoco-Phillips, and Hilcorp in the finest small print available, splashed on the screen in a milli-second, we now have Cap’n Bob and Campground Mike telling us how taxes are bad for them and bad for the oil companies, that no one should be taxed during this terrible pandemic. In other words the oil companies are using the tragedy of this damned pandemic to try to convince you that taxing them is bad, when in fact they are the biggest thieves in the history of the world already. If they are not taxed, you will be, or you will get nothing from the state. Eliminating the ferries, closing the universities, eliminating senior citizen services, the list goes on and on. Many of these things have already been shut down because there are no funds to finance them. Why? Because the oil companies are stealing our oil. But they got Cap’n Bob and Campground Mike to convince you that they are good old boys and you are a good old boy, too. So be stupid and be cool like Bob and Mike because they are such good old boys; it’s not possible that they are bought and paid for shills of the oil companies trying to sell you snake oil and a can of worms, oh no, they are good old boys, just look at their act. What Cap’n Bob and Campground Mike don’t want you to understand, don’t want you to think about, is how much the oil companies are already stealing, and if they are not taxed, you will be. So if you are a good old boy with your high school diploma or your GED and you just hate anybody who is more educated than you, go ahead and follow Cap’n Bob and Campground Mike and their lies about being good old boys just like you. Give the oil companies everything they want and more, and when you get nothing or are taxed to the hilt, remember you are a good old boy and an oil company shill, dumb enough not to get paid for it. Try this mantra instead. If the oil companies want it, you don’t. And tax the hell out of these bastards before they tax the hell out of you. David G. Hanger
About: Editor's Note:
Received July 09, 2020 - Published July 13, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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