SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Changes in Ketchikan EOC Operations Announced


July 11, 2021
Sunday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - The Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will cease operations effective July 23, 2021. 

Over the past 15 months, the EOC has led the community through the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goal of eventually transitioning operations and functions back to normal government and private industry. Our citizens, businesses, and organizations have taken measures to keep our community safe and healthy. Because of this good response, in the past several months, the EOC has transitioned many of its functions and services to local providers and government entities. As the situation has continued to stabilize, there has been a decrease in the need for the remaining services of the EOC. 

The operations of the EOC have significantly become one of support to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (Public Health). The EOC team met with Public Health on June 28th, and Public Health is now able to take on the operations to address COVID-19 in the community.  Therefore, effective July 23rd, Public Health will assume the remaining duties that the local EOC is currently conducting. 

The COVID-19 website at will continue to be maintained as follows:

  • The Case Count Dashboard will be updated daily Monday through Friday through July 23, at which time the dashboard, risk levels, and risk recommendations will be transitioned to the State of Alaska and accessible through the State of Alaska DHSS website. 
  • The Testing Information page will be updated on a weekly basis through July 23, at which time the testing information will be provided through the State of Alaska website.
  • The Vaccine Information page will continue to be updated on a weekly basis.
  • The FAQs and Resources pages will continue to be updated as needed.

The COVID-19 website will be updated with the notice of changes and links to the State and CDC websites where information can be found beginning July 23rd.  The EOC will work with local providers to transition to reporting data to the State. 

Effective June 30th, Kim Simpson will be assuming the role of Public Information Officer (PIO). 

  • The PIO phone line will remain the same at 907-228-2464.
  • The EOC email will remain the same at




Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News:

COVID-19 website

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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