Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
By David G Hanger
July 30, 2022
That includes the mayor whose recent article parodying vehicle choices was also pretty dopey in its comments about the bad roads around here and the tanks you need to drive on them. Visiting sister Kathy in Montana a few weeks back I watched a fellow named Thor disassemble and completely re-build the front end of my nephew’s big pickup truck. That took two days of hard work and would surely cost several thousands to do in K-town. I hear there is a lot of that kind of work in town; the car repair folks cannot keep up.
Consider the fact that a city like Anchorage has hundreds of roads and streets to maintain, cities like Seattle, San Francisco, or Los Angeles thousands, and what we are asking locally is for this bunch of clowns to figure out how to pave the incredibly bad sections of one road.
Awash in funny money for two years and more, and all we hear is about raises for bureaucrats and raises for city council members; no concern whatsoever about the wrecked infrastructure for which they are responsible that is costing locals untold tens of thousands of dollars in unneeded vehicle repair costs.
Fire these people and find a few folks responsible enough to fix things that need to be fixed who are otherwise prepared to fire city managers and city staff kissing tourist ass while ignoring the basic needs of local residents.
David G Hanger
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Opinions expressed are solely those of the writers and do
not necessarily represent the opinions of Sitnews.
Received July 28,2022
- Published July 30,2022
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