Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Read the fine print, VOTE NO.
By William Tatsuda


August 10, 2005

Editor Sitnews:

Read the fine print, VOTE NO. The City's cruise ship dock brochure has a very nice artist's rendering of big ships and a nice boardwalk on the waterfront. If you read the fine print it says that there will be "no loss of parking". What it does not say is that there will be additional parking. Upland residents in the area should brace themselves for a major parking problems during the cruise season, because there will be a lot more cars parking on the commercial and residential streets nearby.

The brochure says that there will be improved traffic flow near the tunnel, because bus loading will be moved onto the new dock area. What it does not say is what happens to traffic when tourists start trying to cross Tongass Avenue between Murray Pacific and Burger Queen to shop and explore the other side of the street. I do not see crossing guards in the picture. Perhaps the tourists will be required to walk the boardwalk down to Sockeye Sam's and not cross the street. If the buses load down at Taquan Air, how will buses and vans cross traffic going North or return from the South without stopping traffic? Or will the tourists have to walk all the way to Sockeye Sam's to get on a bus? That would be great for Sam's, but not be good for businesses on the other side of the street.

The current bond proposal plan is a poor alternative to the professional consultants recommended Thomas Basin Breakwater plan. If quality of life is important to you, Vote No!

William Tatsuda
Ketchikan, AK - USA


On the Web:

 Ketchikan Port Berth Expansion Bond Initiative

Ketchikan Port Berth
Expansion Bond Initiative

 Ketchikan Port Berth Expansion Bond Initiative

Vote August 16, 2005

 The City of Ketchikan is proposing to expand and improve facilities along the waterfront to provide enhanced public use and additional economic benefit to residents, business owners, and the City. A bond initiative will be placed on the August 16, 2005 ballot to gain approval for up to $70 million to fund the project. - More... Port Expansion Project Information




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