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Dock expansion - Vote Today
By Marty West


August 16, 2005

I'm hoping for a yes vote today.

1. The ads were paid by the Port Revenue Fund. This is the passenger tax account-the same fund that will pay for the bonds. Taxpayer money wasn't used-unless you count the passenger tax-payer on the cruise ships.

2. Trident wasn't kidding when they said they would close if the dock was located south. A no vote on this plan doesn't mean the dock will go south. It means the dock won't go anywhere.

3. Part of the plan includes upland development to improve traffic flow and build a walk way among other improvements.

4. Historic Ketchikan is working hard on a plan for an historic overlay of the Newtown area to be in keeping with the "real" Ketchikan. Is the real Ketchikan the closed and decrepit Marine Bar and the empty area where Showboat's Barbeque was before it burned down?

5. The City Council, staff, consultants, and, most importantly, the public have been working on this plan for almost three years. This isn't something cobbled together.

Marty West
Ketchikan, AK - USA




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Ketchikan, Alaska