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By Dave Lieben


August 18, 2005

I certainly wish I wasn't writing this, but it's looking increasingly doubtful that Schoenbar will be ready for students before the start of the school year. The school district would like to get input from students, parents, staff, administrators, and the general public as to what the best course of action would be, with the focus, as always, on what's best for the students.

The possible options presented to the School Board at our meeting today were:

1. Keep everyone where they were this year - 8th grade at Kayhi, White Cliff PreK - 2 at Assembly of God, 7th graders at the elementary school.

Drawbacks - White Cliff (K - 6) has moved into the high school area and 8th grade equipment has been moved into the green room and part of the band room waiting to be moved out. This option would mean we would have to move almost all of the White Cliff back downstairs and back to the Assembly of God and move the 8th grade equipment and supplies back upstairs into the high school.

2. Keep 7th grade at elementary schools, move 8th grade into Craig Gym and Auditorium at Kayhi.

Drawbacks - Does not provide very functional classroom space if students are in Auditorium (No way to delineate classroom space other than by areas). May interfere with other groups using the auditorium.

3. Keep 7th grade at elementary schools, move 8th grade into Ted Ferry Civic Center.

Drawbacks - May interfere with previously scheduled activities. Buses may not be able to load any closer than across the road at the end of the parking lot.

4. Keep 7th grade at elementary schools, move 8th grade into previous Bon Marche area of Plaza.

Drawbacks - Need to make sure there is adequate egress for fire escapes.


If you have a different idea, or thoughts or comments about one of these options, you can e-mail me at, and I will forward them to Superintendent Martin, who will forward them to the rest of the School Board, or you can e-mail Superintendent Martin directly at Principal Hewitt will be researching options and discussing them with his staff tomorrow (Thursday). There will be a meeting between the contractor, the architect, Borough officials, and other involved parties on August 23, so we should have more information before our meeting on Wednesday, August 24. We will probably be making a decision at that meeting. As always, the public is encouraged to come and speak to us.

Dave Lieben
School Board member

Ketchikan, AK - USA


Related News:

audioKetchikan: Listen to this KRBD story... The Ketchikan School Board Wednesday batted around options for housing Schoenbar Middle School students this Fall. As Deanna Garrison reports, district staff presented the school board with a variety of options to accommodate some 320 middle school students.
KRBD - Ketchikan Public Radio - - August 18, 2005



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