Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Road Improvements
By LeiLani Lake


August 24, 2005

I would like to take this opportunity to commend Secon on a job well done. My husband and I have lived on Sunset Drive for the past 20 years and have experienced several road updates during this period.

The road improvements done between Refuge Cove and D1 Loop were past due and will save lives. The number of accidents and fatalities on this stretch of road were higher than what I considered acceptable. It not only had a blind corner, in the winter the frost and ice through the corners and in the Mud Bight stretch was awful.

Secon managed to keep traffic stops and congestion to a minimum during this project. Even with the addition of the tour buses towards the end of the project Secon managed to keep things flowing.

Due to Secon excellent work, this stretch of highway is now a wonderful green with its new grass and the walking/bike path is already in use.

Thank you Secon you did a good job and I think you deserved a pat on the back.

LeiLani Lake
Ketchikan, AK - USA




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Ketchikan, Alaska