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Workers' Compensation: O'Claray appoints
Medical Review Committee


August 26, 2005

Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Greg O'Claray today announced his selections to fill the nine-member Medical Services Review Committee. The Committee was created by the passage of SB 130, the re-write of Alaska's workers' compensation law which Governor Frank H. Murkowski signed into law on Tuesday, August 9, 2005.

The legislation provides that the nine-member Committee consist of four members involved in healthcare as well as four members of the public and a designated chairperson.

"The people Commissioner O'Claray has selected for this important committee represent a wide range of experience and expertise. They will be a great help in my commitment to providing first class, affordable medical care to injured workers," said Governor Frank Murkowski.

DOLWD Commissioner Greg O'Claray will chair the Committee. The four health care appointees are: Alaska State Medical Association member Dr. Bruce Kiessling, M.D.; Alaska Chiropractic Society member William Pfeifer, D.C. of Ketchikan; Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association member Dennis Murray; as well as Administrator of Heritage Place in Soldotna and health care provider Ed Hall, P.A.-C.

The four public "non-health care provider" members are: Kevin Smith, Executive Director of the Joint Insurance Association of the Alaska Municipal League; Pam Scott, Workers' Compensation Claims Manager for the Alaska Timber Insurance Exchange; Suzanne Barr, Manager-Medical Resources Department of Liberty Northwest; and Jeff Davis, Vice President and General Manager of Premera Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alaska.

The Committee's duties are to assist and advise the DOLWD on matters involving the
appropriateness, necessity and cost of medical and related services for injured workers.


Source of News:

Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development



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