SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



By Lonnie Guthrie


August 22, 2006

I have to agree with Carie's thought on a $50 dollar raise in the price of a cruise package. I dont think that the tax will make or break any traveler's decision to come to Alaska, however I wonder how many cruise ships will bypass the cities with a head tax in an effort to increase profits. It's just a thought, I am yet to even look at the initiative. The reason I write is her thought on taxing the gaming aboard these cruise ships. I'm not going to touch on the cruise ship initiative, as again I am yet to read it. My thought is the taxing on the current gaming going on every day in our communities.

While I do not think that a casino is viable for any communities in Alaska; other than Anchorage,. I believe poker rooms would do quite well in some of our communities. Has anyone noticed the explosion of poker? You can find a 10 different poker games on any given day. It seems like everyone is playing poker. Anyone can get online, and play for just about any amount of money they wish to play for. This revenue can be earned, regulated, and taxed in our communities. This would create extra money for the city, and more importantly jobs from not only the business entrepuneur; but also for a governing body set up to oversee these types of business. Why are we letting these overseas companies capatalize on this soon to be billion dollar internett poker business, when we can keep this money within our communities. It's just a thought.

Lonnie Guthrie
Juneau, AK - USA


Related Viewpoint:

letter Yes! Yes! Yes! on Cruise Ship Ballot Initiative #2 By Carrie L. James - Ketchikan, AK - USA




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Ketchikan, Alaska