SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Grounded Vessel
By Jennifer Brewer


August 26, 2006

I couldn't help but notice the absence of the vessel Totem Princess captain's name in the article. Wouldn't that be important, pertinent information regarding the who/what/why/where of a transportation incident?

Jennifer Brewer
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: Spent 8 years in the Coast Guard, full-time safety professional for 6 years, Ketchikan resident for 6 years, Alaska resident for 16.


Related News:

Grounded passenger vessel Totem Princess assisted by Coast Guard - Coast Guard Station Ketchikan responded to the grounding of the passenger vessel Totem Princess Thursday one half mile north of Totem Bight. - More...
Friday - August 25, 2006


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Ketchikan, Alaska