SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


The other side...
By Amber Williams-Baldwin


August 07, 2007
Tuesday AM

On my recent trip back home to Ketchikan, a family with 3 little kids was trying to get a taxi. The mom was put in charge of finding info about the island and she walked up to a TSA agent and asked, "Where are all of you taxis?" He answered, "Over on the other side" Needless to say she walked away less then happy. As she walked by me I heard her say "why don't they have a bridge or something". That had me going now. So I held back my laughter and just WALKED down to the ferry and did my thing.

I would like to thank the movie theater for putting up photos of the troops (my husband included). While I and my son were talking a photo of us pointing to his photo a worker noticed and walked out to talk to my son . It gave my son a chance to say a little about his daddy to her.

Amber Williams-Baldwin
Lakewood, WA

Received August 05, 2007 - Published August 07, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska