SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Bumps in the road
By LeiLani Lake


August 15, 2007
Wednesday PM

I read with some amusement the letter by Randy Lake (no we are not related). Yes - Tongass Avenue still has lumps and bumps after the paving done these past few weeks. But Randy may not realize that paving of any road is done in multiple steps. Having lived in Ketchikan and having gone through many road upgrades, including the straightening and widening of North Tongass Hwy. from the the ferry terminal to Ward Cove bridge I have seen the various steps gone through to pave a road. They seem to pave in two steps, and each layer is about 4 inches thick. The first layer is done and then they come back and lay the final layer. I don't know the reason for doing this in two steps but I'd guess that 8 inches of asphalt is too thick and won't dry correctly.

I realize that we have been going through a bumpy road situation for a couple of years now but I don't believe that Secon is totally to blame. They did their bid according to guidelines, requirements and specifications as set out by the City of Ketchikan and the State of Alaska. If unforeseen problems come up, such as the waterlines not being where they were thought to be, then Secon can not be blamed, neither can they be blamed for installing gaskets (per bid specifications) that do not work. I think they are doing a commendable job considering the problems that have occurred during this road phase.

I just hope that the next phase from The Landing to Third Avenue has been reviewed. That the specifications are stated correctly and that all the sewer and waterline locations are known up-front so the job flows better and has fewer mishaps and delays.

Heck we are having a wonderful sunny week. Smile and realize that there will always be bumps in the road and you make of them what you may.

LeiLani Lake
Ketchikan, AK

Received August 15, 2007 - Published August 15, 2007

About: "36 year resident of Ketchikan and still loving the rain."

Related Viewpoint:

letterSecon's new paving By Randy M. Lake

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska