SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Racism? How silly.
By Peter Bolling


August 27, 2007

Long into Tom Ferry's harangue with regard to the jewelry store petition the silly, tired, and dishonorable charge of "racism" is levied at the sponsors of the petition, and thereby, at the more than 500 local residents who signed the petitions. I, for one, am tired of the attempt by people like Ferry, Skinner, and others who oppose the petition to frame community planning as racism. Such charges are beneath contempt and seek only to distract local voters from the issue: should the community limit the density of jewelry stores.

Charlie Arteaga and Charlene Dima, two long-time residents of Hispanic origin, are hardly the poster children for racism. The invective is absurd and shameful. I hope that local residents, whether they support the goals of the petition sponsors or are not in favor of restricting the density of jewelry stores, will soundly and publicly reject both the disreputable charges of racism and those who levy them.

Let's argue the issue on its social and economic merits.

Peter Bolling

Received August 27, 2007 - Published August 27, 2007

About: "48 year local who had Charlie Arteaga as a teacher and doesn't begrudge him his retirement."

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska