SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Health of Alaska Natives & Legislative Process Focus of Meeting


August 15, 2007

Ketchikan, Alaska - Attending the mega Alaska Native Health Board meeting held in Anchorage on August 7th and 8th, was Cecelia Johnson of Ketchikan. Johnson represented the Ketchikan Indian Community/Organized Village of Saxman (KIC/OVS).

Sen. Lisa Murkowski addresses the group
Photo courtesy Cecelia Johnson

Also in attendance were Governor Sarah Palin, Senator Lisa Murkowski, and Senator Ted Stevens. The focus of the meeting was on the current health status of Alaska Natives and the legislative processes.

The Alaska Native Health Board (ANHB) provides one unified voice for Alaska regarding health said Johnson.

Johnson said the meetings are held quarterly. Martha Johnson is the alternate representative for the Ketchikan Indian Community/Organized Village of Saxman (KIC/OVS).



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Ketchikan, Alaska