SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


It's a Matter of Money
By Sam Bergeron


August 06, 2010

Today in the mall I ran across a friend who works for Ketchikan Public Utilities. He told me today he was disconnecting 30 electric customers who could not afford to pay their electric bills. 30. That's 30 families with no electricity. I may be stepping out on a limb here but I think these families can't afford any more taxes, fees and expenses other than keeping themselves fed with a roof over their heads.

As a community we need to send a clarion message to our elected leaders: QUIT SPENDING MONEY LIKE THERE IS NO TOMMOROW. Because a lot of us today are paying the high cost of your excesses. We must always consider where some of our tax revenues come from: sales tax on food, residential rent and heating fuel. These unethical taxes unfairly target those of us who are struggling to make ends meet and it has long been a desire of mine to eliminate these taxes. After all, the government doesn't have a higher and better use for the money we use to feed, shelter and to keep warm with, so why do they tax us on these items? Because we let them.

The choice is to reduce the size and then the cost of government and pass those savings along to you the citizen tax payer and help those who are struggling along the way. These ideals may sound lofty and unattainable but it is a matter of political will to do it. We need policy makers who have the experience and courage to address the burgeoning costs of local government and put into place a plan to deal with it.

I'm Sam Bergeron and very soon I will be a candidate for City Council. I'm asking for your vote and your confidence in the next election and would appreciate your vote next October. I will work hard for the best interest of our community and I am always mindful of where our taxes come from.

Sam Bergeron
Ketchikan, AK

About: " Life-long Alaskan, concerned citizen, father, brother and friend"

Received August 03, 2010 - Published August 06, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska