SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Thank you for your hospitality and kindness
By Bill Walker


August 12, 2010
Thursday PM

Dear Editor:

Last weekend, Donna and I made our fourth trip to Southeast this year and were fortunate to travel to POW.  The trip began like an adventure novel.  As a life-long Alaskan, I have grown accustomed to preparing for the unexpected.  When we were told that poor weather required that we fly into Hollis instead of Craig, I knew we were in for an adventure.  The flight over by float plane was non-stop breathtaking beauty and flying into Hollis gave us the opportunity to have a scenic 30 mile drive across the Island to Craig.  It's been eight years since my last trip to POW but I was reminded that it is one of the most beautiful places in Alaska.

My message was well received by those gathered at Craig City Hall.  We need jobs and affordable energy for our homes and businesses now.  It was especially meaningful to me that Dane Foy was there with his dad, Pat because my campaign for governor is all about securing an economic future for the next generation.

Alaska must take control of its future and push back forcefully on Washington D.C. and the preservationists who believe Alaska should be nothing more than a national park.  For too long, Washington D.C. has mandated all the things we cannot do and yet, the Statehood Act gave us 103 million acres to live off.  While the Tongass Agreement called for 520 mbf of timber to be harvested per year, today the harvest is closer to a measly 10 mbf.  This is hardly enough wood for a match factory and yet the Tongass ALASKA Forest is the largest forest under the American flag. 

I will be that Governor who fights fiercely for Alaska and will not be deterred by anybody who roadblocks our efforts to be all we can be.

Donna and I want to thank everyone in Ketchikan and Southeast for the hospitality and kindness extended to us during our visits this year.  I hope I have the opportunity to return soon as your governor.  What an honor that would be!

Bill Walker
Republican Candidate for Governor



Received August 11, 2010 - Published August 12, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska