SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Proper Planning for our Library
By Susan Peters


August 16, 2010
Monday PM

Soon the City's registered voters will have the opportunity to vote for the location of the new library. We all are very anxious to have a new library building or remodeled existing building. Now that funding may become available very soon we need to be ready with a good plan. Planning is a crucial component with establishing the site for this facility. A simple search on-line will bring up extensive information on the importance of the location of a library. Currently the government body responsible for this decision has no planning department nor have they engaged our Borough's Planning Department to help with this decision.

My on-line research brought up the following information on site selection: Selecting a site for a new library involves many of the same considerations that would be involved in selecting a site for a business. It should be located where people go to conduct business, not where they live. It should be located on a major street with easy accessibility and high visibility . (Kansas Library System-2007). And from Anne Krieg, AICP Bar Harbor Planning Director, when told of our City s decision for the site, That is a shame - libraries are true anchors in a core business district.

As a successful private developer would say "The three most important ingredients of any project are: location, location, location." A bank that is poorly located will not prosper, nor a food store or an apparel shop. Neither will a public library. Acquiring anything less than the best site will prove a false economy in terms of the life-cycle costs of the library. Anything less than the best site will also hinder public use of this important community resource.

Proper planning for our community for a new or remodeled library is Downtown! Please vote YES on Prop 2.

Susan Peters
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Resident since 1978"

Received August 15, 2010 - Published August 16, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska