SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Library -- More Info Please
By Catherine Brown


August 21, 2010
Saturday AM

When we voted on the new swimming pool I was very pleased with how things were handled overall. Designs were drawn up for each option with its corresponding cost estimate and the people had more information upon which to base their decision.

Can we not do the same with the proposed Library? Maybe I missed the memo, but from what I can tell, we're left with a whole lot of "he said, she said" from the two sides and really have no idea what we're voting for in the end. Is the two-story library on city-owned land cheaper? Is the one-story above town cheaper? Is one more accessible than the other? Without preliminary cost estimates and designs, we're in what feels more like a popularity contest than an informed vote by the citizenry. Is that really how we want to make decisions for the use of our tax dollars? While I'm sure either building will be nice in the end, this is a decision we'll have to live with for quite some time and I don't enjoy being forced into deciding prematurely.

I'm not yet familiar with the ins-and-outs of local proposition procedures, but if possible, I suggest a postponement of the vote and the expenditure of some funds towards answering the above questions. I believe it would be worth the money for the public to be truly informed, to feel that they had a say and some ownership in the Library that will be payed for out of their tax dollars.

Catherine Brown
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Catherine is a homeschooling mother of five who was born and raised in Ketchikan, Alaska."

Received August 19, 2010 - Published August 21, 2010


On the Web:

New Ketchikan Public Library Project


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska