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Gaanax adi Lands Are Not Yours
By Aan Kadax Tseen aka Don Hoff Jr.


August 30, 2010
Monday PM

I was born and raised in Ketchikan; I have sat on the City Council/Vice Mayor, O.S.H.A. Review Board member/Chairman, I.R.A. Councils, etc. I have been writing opinion letters on Land Claims for Ketchikan.

I am convinced that we live in a brainwashed society, America lead to believe we are all not created equal...we know that s not true at all. At least from this Gaanax adi Tlingit point of view.

Senator Lisa Murkowski seems to be taking the lead on owed Federal Lands to Sealaska Corporation. The problem for my Clan and Tribe, Taan ta Kwaan (Sealion People) or know as Tongass Tribe. Sealaska is a corporation and not a Tribe. Nor does Sealaska Corporation nor any other Tribes or Native organizations represent our Tribe or Clans.

Tongass Tribe is Indigenous to Ketchikan area which in includes; Pennock Island, Gravina Island, Annette Island, Village Island, Cat Island, Duke Island, Tongass Island, Long Island, Prince of Wales Island, Cape Chacon, Chomelly, Klawock, Nakat Inlet, Portland Canal and Kasaan. We had village sites on all these sites at one time. Village Island and Tongass Island being the youngest village sites.

Tongass Tribe numbers little over 300 members that we know of and majority doesn t reside in Ketchikan. Nevertheless, we are the rightful owners of the lands stated above regardless where we are living today. Tongass Tribe never signed, sold; relinquish any of our lands.

My Clan, Gaanax adi Clan, Drift to Shore House and Raven House. Gaanax adi Clan is the Oldest Clan in the Tlingit think about that for a moment. Why were we left out of the Land Claims Act of 1971 and this includes Subsistence Rights? There are no excuses for that and show little or no respect to our Clans and Tribe.

If any lands that comes from the Federal Government that's owed to my people should go to my Tribe...Taan Ta Kwaan in Ketchikan. Let's make this clear also, I don't agree with giving up millions of acres of traditional lands for a mere 23,040 acres of timber lands that I can't do anything with. It's insane, in the same tone; I will abide by my Clan decision and Tribe if they want to get Village Corporation status. But only if it s Tongass Tribe People only.

There are groups representing the Landless Community's in Ketchikan, They are bogus don't speak for my Clan and they are not Tongass Tribe people. Ketchikan Indian Community, A.N.B. Camp 14 or 15, Tlingit and Haida Central Council nor Sealaska Corporation... They do not represent not speak for my Clan or Tribe. I speak for the Gaanax adi Clan only...traditional Tlingit protocol. I am an Elder of my Clan. I will not and don't speak for the opposite Clans.

Land claims should have gone to Traditional Tribes instead of forming Corporations. Corporations have only taught greed and mistrust among my people. The stocks are worthless as the paper it s printed on. Try selling your stocks.

The Gaanax adi Clan is getting tired of being screwed by the Federal Government, State of Alaska.

Ketchikan is Gaanax adi Land, its Taan Ta Kwaan Land yesterday, today and tomorrow. Ketchikan is not Haida Land, Tsimshian Land nor Non-Native Lands.

This is my opinion shared by others.

Aan Kadax Tseen aka Don Hoff Jr.
Gaanax adi Clan
Drift to Shore House/Raven House
Taan ta Kwaan
Hixson, TN

About: "Past; City Councilman/Vice Mayor-City of Ketchikan. Board of Director K.P.U.-City of Ketchikan. O.S.H.A. Reviewboardmember/Chairman-State of Alaska. I.R.A. Councilmember-Ketchikan Indian Corporation. Tongass Tribe member-Ketchikan."

Received August 26, 2010 - Published August 30, 2010



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Ketchikan, Alaska