SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Art Bailly's Letter on TSA
By Charlotee Tanner


August 11, 2011

I agree with everything Mr. Bailly has to say, and also would like to point out to Mr. Bailly that TSA's authority extends to Ferry systems, Railways, and the Highway system. I read recently they were discussing exercising this authority in those areas in the near future.

I never thought I would live so long as to witness the police state that is developing in the country.

Charlotte Tanner
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Longtime Alaskan and Ketchikanite, and concerned citizen."

Received August 06, 2011 - Published August 11, 2011

Related Viewpoint:

letter Our freedom to travel usa Taken away by TSA By Art Bailly

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska