On the Death of Our Beloved Son By Cody & Kathy Evans August 11, 2013
There used to be a sign painted on the roof of an old barn between Eugene and Reedsport, Oregon. It said “Soldiers of the Cross ARMOR UP.” For years I drove past that barn and thought just being a good Christian meant being “ARMORED UP.” Over the last few days I have come to realize it means much more, it means war. On 08-03-13, our beloved son died after being tormented by a person he went to Ketchikan High with - used to be buddies with and probably even did some drugs with. His friend has become a drug dealing monster with no soul. He tormented our son, broke into his home and beat him while asleep in bed, but our son refused to press charges, saying “You don’t understand he used to be a friend of mine. Maybe he has it out of his system now.” What did our son mean by out of his system? His high school friend’s “Old Lady” and my son fell in love. This made the drug dealer devil very angry; his soul had been sold to the devil (drugs) he no longer cared. She had lived with abuse for more than nine years from this man. She finally found someone so kind and loving that she would never hurt again. The torment continued until the early morning of August the 3rd when our son could not take any more. He died on the way to Harbor View Medical Center in Seatlle and was pronounced dead there. We will never forget him and will miss him forever. He was the best. He got clean of drugs, fell in love, had a good job and was loved by everyone he came in contact with. He was no match for the devil himself… I KNOW there are many people in our community who know who deals drugs, whose souls are dead from drugs, even the police know who they are, but do nothing. But it is time for SOLDIERS TO ARMOR UP! Take back our community. Let us begin to stand together, tell what we know, show up in court, file those papers. We can be a formidable community if we stand together to defend our children, grandchildren and the future. My son told me once, “Mom it is not the boogie man on the corner who introduces you to drugs, it will be a good and trusted friend.” He was right. Know who your children hang out with. Pray for our family and Please ARMOR UP! In the Most Loving Memory of or Beloved Son Jesse Duane Evans, 12-10-74 to 8-3-13 Cody & Kathy Evans
Received August , 2013 - Published August 11, 2013 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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