PARROTS By David G. Hanger August 27, 2013
Had you bothered to listen to the unedited version of the police tapes, you would have clearly heard George Zimmerman refer to Trayvon Martin as a “f**king coon,” shortly before he accosted him and shot him. Zimmerman’s actions were all premeditated; he was even called off by the dispatcher, but he ignored her. When Zimmerman confronted Trayvon Martin, he immediately committed a criminal assault against his person by preventing him from proceeding down the sidewalk uninterrupted. In some jurisdictions a kidnapping charge would also be considered. Somehow, ignored in all of your spew, is the fact that Trayvon Martin had a right to stand his ground when confronted by some strange busybody accosting him out of nowhere. Nor were Zimmerman’s injuries in any sense life-threatening; simple band-aids covered all of them that even needed to be covered. Without Zimmerman’s provocation this murder would not have occurred, and, yes, it was a murder. And, no, the little creep did not get away with it. You try to paint a 17-year old kid walking down the street talking to a fat girl on his cell phone while after skittles and an iced tea as some kind of heinous criminal, yet cite nothing more than incidental teen-agerdom as justification for your allegation. So I will not be surprised when you start hunting local teen-agers with your gun because so many of them have done the things you have accused this poor kid of doing, and claim you were just standing your ground when you shoot them full of holes for telling you to go to hell with just a bit of a forward lean. I mean it has to be local teen-agers because there are so few blacks in town they hardly register on the statistical scale, and certainly you are not brave enough to take on the local Native Americans or Filipinos; they all have their own enforcers, and you wouldn’t have the guts to confront them ever. So we got it, Duane, loud and clear. You are a racist who parrots the views of other racists and has a very difficult time with facts of any kind. Should the local blonde teen-agers be worried about you, or just those with somewhat darker features, starting with brunettes? David G. Hanger
Received August 25, 2013 - Published August 27, 2013 Related Viewpoints:
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