Re: Parrots & Stand Your Ground By Alan R. McGilvray August 29, 2013
Mr. Hangar, might I remind you of who introduced the Civil Rights act into Congress that it may become law? I do believe it was a Republican, by the name of Dwight David Eisenhower, who was President of these United States at the time. Because the Act was labeled the "Civil Rights Act of 1954" (He was President at the time) and it was filibustered in the Senate by none other than Democrats who were also the founders and followers of the KKK, and who were they? A bunch of white Southern Crackers (to use your term) most interested in keeping the Negro "In his Place." By the use of intimidation, just plain bullying, and murder, yes, murder: who murdered Edgar Evers. Who Murdered the 4-white college kids who came to the Southern States to campaign for the Rights of Negroes? Who stood in the way of Negro Rights, that all Men(regardless of skin color), were created equal, written into our Declaration of Independence The Klu Klux Klan, who were so stupid in their own crackerness they couldn't even spell correctly. Of course that could have been the result of a liberal education that said if a thing sounds like something, you're probably right. Instead of sounding out a word and spelling it correctly. Oh, and one more thing, not related to Civil Rights, unless in your liberal view, Health Care is a Right not a Responsibility, who may I ask, introduced to Congress the first National Health Care Act? Why, I believe it was another Republican President, by the name of Richard Milhous NIXON in or about 1972. It didn't pass thanks to Democrats, but that is an argument for another day. Cordially, Alan R. McGilvray About: "A long time conservative resident of Alaska." Received August 28, 2013 - Published August 29, 2013 Related Viewpoint:
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