SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Tax Increases

By Greg Harris


August 13, 2014
Wednesday AM

Dear Ketchikan Residents,

I hope this finds you all healthy and happy as its been a couple years since I've been on the rock. After reading Mr. Dial's letter concerning tax increases proposed and passed I couldn't help myself, I just had to comment.

In the late 1990's I was living and working in Ketchikan and had decided to run for a City Council position because I had deep concerns for the place I had called home for some 14 years. Having dealt with Karl Amylon on a very contentious issue while I was an employee of the City, I just felt the man was the wrong person to lead the town into the future.

Part of my platform for my Council run was instituting a Head tax on cruise ship passengers and using those funds to build out the infrastructure of the city to accommodate more visitors. I also pushed to use those funds to build a Tram to the top of Deer Mountain. Obviously my run for office failed and you've all been stuck with the Leader for Life for the last 20 years.

I've never really understood how every council member supported the man and his hold on the office of City Manager and then allow him to take over KPU as well and up his salary. Now you all get to live with the legacy costs of white elephants and get to figure out how to fund them. I wish you all luck and maybe now you'll see why I think he was and still is the wrong man to be leading your town.

Good Luck,

Greg Harris
Bullhead City, Arizona


About: "Lived in Ketchikan for many years and ran for Ketchikan City Council in the late 1990's"

Received August 08, 2014 - Published August 13, 2014

Related Viewpoint:

letter Machinations, part II By Rodney Dial

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