Vote for Klein By K.A. Swiger August 13, 2014
I have known Chere for many years, serving on chamber committees with her and have seen her many community involvements. Chere is a woman of action. She is determined, and not afraid of hard work. I like the fact that Chere comes from the private business sector and has spent the past two years working in Juneau for Peggy Wilson, our former legislative representative. I think it is very important for Ketchikan that we have someone who knows the inner workings, the various personalities, and how to negotiate through them. her ability to get along with just about everyone is a huge asset to Ketchikan and our district. Her interaction from Peggy's office with the legislative leadership is to our advantage. Chere listens and works well with people. She is a breath of fresh air, and eager to do her best for the people of Ketchikan and our district. Vote August 19th. K.A. Swiger About: "Ketchikan small business owner, lifelong Alaskan." Received August 10, 2014 - Published August 13, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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